
Imagensys Vince The AIIC Health Technology Challenge 2018 Award

By May 12, 2018 No Comments

Imagensys Vince The AIIC Health Technology Challenge 2018 Award

ROME – Imagesys, start up born in September 2017 by the initiative of CNR researchers – entrusted to the TTO of PHD TT for the economic valorization of the results of scientific and technological research – wins the Health Technology Challange Award 2018 at the National Convention of the Italian Association Clinical Engineers (AIIC).
The Health Technology Challenge – HT Challenge – is the AIIC initiative dedicated to innovative solutions in healthcare technology. Imagensys won the best work award “Gamma camera for oncology diagnostics” in the category “Development of technologies and devices for health”
On the occasion of the XVIII AIIC National Conference, which was held in Rome from 10 to 12 May 2018, the first edition of the HT Challenge replaced and strengthened the traditional call for abstracts. Eight thematic areas were identified for the presentation of the works that enclose all the topics of clinical engineering. The selected works that competed for the prizes of the individual thematic areas were 147 and were evaluated by high-profile specialist juries. The first three works for each of the 8 thematic areas were given access to the final phase for the awarding of prizes. In this selection Imagensys has placed two out of three jobs in the “Development of technologies and devices for health” area.
In the concluding evening of the Conference, held in the splendid setting of Palazzo Brancaccio in Rome, the category prize went to work “Gamma camera for oncology diagnostics”.
“This experience closes a cycle of about one year, being the third prize that Imagensys receives after the StartCup of the Lazio Region 2017 and the special Award assigned by the AIIC to the National Innovation Award 2017 in Naples. A sign that the technology we are developing is starting to get noticed in the panorama of medical devices, both for the originality and for the level of innovation that we are proposing. We have confirmed this during the 3 days of the Convention due to the high number of visits to our stand of people intrigued by our technology but also by companies that have asked us to develop specific technologies to be used in their application sectors “says prof. Alessandro Soluri.
“We believe that our growth path, as an innovative start-up, is maturing quickly and we hope to see the fruits of all our work soon. A special thanks goes to our President, dr. Alessandro Rombelli, and Torrent SPA for having believed in our technology. I also thank the whole team: Roberto Massari, Nunzia D’Elia and our CEO, dr. Heber Verri. Imagensys will benefit greatly from the synergies with the CNR and its research facilities, to be able to demonstrate that in Italy too space can be given to applied technology and guarantee the productive and industrial fabric of the country, which must necessarily pass through research laboratories “, Adds Prof. Alessandro Soluri – Director of the Institute of Cellular Biology and Neurobiology (IBCN) of the National Research Council.

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